About The Agency
The Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA) was established in 2010 with the aim to promote the sustainable development of Moldova’s agriculture and to ensure the wellbeing of its rural areas.
AIPA is an administrative authority under the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment tasked to manage financial resources to support agricultural producers, monitoring of funds’ distribution, quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the impact of support measures to farmers by the state.
AIPA aims to support the subsidy schemes in the Republic of Moldova in order to create a favorable climate for attracting investments in agriculture and rural development.
Mission’s achievement focuses on the following areas: ensuring fair and lawful delivery of operations to manage the subsidy funds; controlling the use of funds allocated to beneficiaries; participation in preparing areas for subsidization; continuous monitoring of compliance with eligibility criteria and contractual conditions for granting financial aid to subsidy beneficiaries; information, communication, presentation of innovations.
AIPA is responsible for the efficient management of the National Agricultural and Rural Development Fund, in the following areas:
☑ Investments in agricultural holdings;
☑ Investments in the processing and marketing of agricultural products;
☑ Investments in physical infrastructure and rural services;
☑ Advanced subsidies for the Start-Ups.
☑ Direct payments in supporting agriculture and rural environment.
Agency’s VISION
Considering the current priorities of the institution based on improving the Agency's work, AIPA’s vision is to develop an institution that works with and for stakeholders to address disadvantages, and also appreciate its staff, which in turn will endeavor to work effectively, to respond quickly to changes and will focus on sustainable results.
Duties and Competences
☑ Ensuring the legal and correct management of the National Fund for Agricultural and Countryside development as well as other funds intended to support farmers and rural development.
☑ Examination of subsidy applications and their eligibility requirements, in order to benefit from financial support of the state, according to the approved procedures and regulations.
☑ Shall authorise, execute and verify subsidy/direct payments allocated from the NARDF resources.
☑ Carries-out on-the-spot verification of investment objects in order to determine its eligibility.
☑ Monitorises compliance with eligibility criteria and contractual conditions for offering subsidy.
☑ Organises informing campaigns to the farmers about subsidy procedures.
☑ Elaborates procedure manuals for every support measure.
☑ Participates in the adaptation of the nominative legal framework about subsidy procedures of the European Union.
Short History About The Agency 2010 – 2020
Until 2010, there was no common criteria for agricultural subsidy distribution, all these were managed by many institutions like the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, Ministry of Finance, State Enterprise Modlresurse and Apele Moldovei Agency.
For diminishing the irregularities in subsidy distribution, especially the lack of transparency in granting them and taking in consideration the European experience, on the 4th of February 2010, besides the Ministry of Food And Agriculture it has been established the Agency of Intervention and Payments in Agriculture – an institution which had the responsibility to manage the financial resources intended for supporting the farmers, monitoring their distribution, the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the generated impact of measures to support farmers by the state.
Moreover, AIPA, starting with 2017, with the support of the European Commission, had implemented the Twinning Technical Assistance Project dedicated to “Strengthening the Capacities and Competencies of AIPA” for the administration of support measures in the rural development sector according to the European norms and standards.
The goal of the Twinning Project was the development of a subsidy system from the Republic of Moldova, as well as strengthening AIPA by improving the institutional and legal framework, ensuring the standards quality by increasing the know-how, abilities, practice and the human resources ethics.
The agency also received the international certification regarding the implementation of Quality Management System based on the international standard ISO 9001:2015. This certification guarantees the internal procedures implementation of AIPA, which allows it to be in consistency with the international norms, provisions and regulations.
Subsidy granting allows step-by-step preparation of the Moldovan farmers and processors in order to operate on the European market. The main goal is to ensure the creation of some competitive products and to avoid the negative effects which can appear if Moldova is not ready on the economical, institutional and legislative point of view for accession. This is why the farmers are encouraged to focus their activity in order to increase the productivity and competitiveness of the product by the modernization of the technological process, equipment renovation and post-harvest and processing infrastructure.
Together we develop the agriculture and the rural areas!